Cookery Family Forums 會員基本守則 ver 0.6

Cookery Family Forums 會員基本守則 ver 0.6






四、文章請張貼在適當區域內,請不要交差張貼 (No Cross-posting)

本站特别設置了參巧資料區及Knowledge Base,各會員應先使用板頂的“搜尋”功能,以及互聯網的搜尋器,才提出問題。板友的私人時間跟自己的一樣保貴,請專重板友,自己先做一點功課。新手的話,你可以提出搜尋時遇到的困難,板友都樂意幫幫你。要是多日來都沒有板友回覆,多半是沒有板友知到答案,又或者你的問題說得不清楚,又或者你的問題顯得你沒做過半點功課;你可以在原題中加以改寫一下。

如果你啟用戶口有困難,請用註冊用的電郵通知板主(email:[email protected]) 。請勿重覆註冊戶口。如發現任何會員註冊一個以上之戶口,板主有權永久封鎖所有有關戶口及IP。


八、請守一般的網路禮儀(Netiquette; Net Etiquette)




十二、Have Fun!!!


Posted in 關於我們 | Cookery Family Forums 會員基本守則 ver 0.6 已關閉迴響。



張貼在Cookery Family的食譜版權為張貼者所有。Cookery Family並不擁有有關食譜之版權。當閣下在Cookery Family張貼食譜,閣下巳授權本站轉載該食譜。




訪客不可在 Cookery Family 貼出明知受著作權保護的食譜。

食譜版權是一個棘手的定義。 一個食譜中物料成份名單是不可以有版權- 成份名單只是公開的科學配方。


您能得到版權的是特別的描述,如:“我的母親會用祖母留下的一個大玻璃碗,把所有成份結合在一起。現在我們通常會用一臺攪拌器摔打成份,但我的母親記得,她的母親用一把木匙子把材料不停地打,直到全部混雜為止…… ”



Cookery Family不負責您嘗試從這任何在我們的網路食譜的結果。當然我們會小心回顧各份食譜,但您未必可以達到預期結果,這是由於在成份上變化,烹調溫度、錯別字、錯誤、遺漏, 或閣下的烹調能力的不同。當您烹調生食品如蛋、雞或魚時,請使用您的最佳判斷。


Cookery Family 並不擁有任何版權或商標,亦不宣示我們擁有任何在本站的“拷貝貓”(餐館或產品覆製)食譜。這些食譜不是原始的食譜,只是被認為可接受的家中複製食譜。

Using recipes found on the Cookery Family Network
Ownership of recipes

Recipes posted to Cookery Family remain the property of the individual that submitted the recipe. Cookery Family maintains no copyright over these recipes. By submitting a recipe to the website, you are giving Cookery Family the rights to use the recipes in its websites, mailing lists and other promotional means.

Use of recipes found on the website

You may, for personal use only, copy recipes from the Cookery Family websites. You may not sell or charge for access for any recipes copied from the websites either singly or in collections. You may not post recipes in email or on websites.

For other means of citing the source, please contact us.

Copyright Infringement

Visitors are not allowed to knowingly submit copyrighted material to Cookery Family. Recipe copyright is a tricky definition. You cannot copyright a list of ingredients – this is considered a scientific formula. You can copyright the prose that accompanies a recipe as long as it is not considered "typical" in describing the procedures required to complete the recipe.

For example, you canNOT copyright the directions to the recipe that say,

   "Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix on high with a hand mixer. Pour into pan and bake at 350F for 25 minutes".

These directions are "typical" in nature. What you could copyright are these directions:

   "My mother would combine the ingredients in a large glass bowl that was handed down from her great grandmother. We usually use a mixer today to beat the ingredients, but my mother remembers her mother beating the ingredients endlessly with a wooden spoon until all was mixed…"

While we do not necessarily encourage this, if you are unsure of the copyright status of a recipe you’d like to submit it is best if you put the directions into your own words. This way you can easily incorporate any additional modifications you personally made if you tried the recipe. Recipes submitted this way are much more personal and readers value your input from your experience in making this recipe.

Recipe Disclaimer

Cookery Family is not responsible for the outcome of any recipe you try from this, or any website in our network. While we try to review each recipe carefully, you may not always achieve the results desired due to variations in ingredients, cooking temperatures, typos, errors, omissions, or individual cooking abilities. Please always use your best judgement when cooking with raw ingredients such as eggs, chicken or fish.

Copy Cat Recipes

Cookery Family does not hold any copyright or trademark, nor claim any ownership, to any copy cat (restaurant or product clone) recipe listed on the website(s). The recipes listed are not the original recipe unless specifically stated and are considered only to be acceptable "clones" to the original for the home cook to attempt to duplicate.

Any trademarked names are used only to identify the recipe and give the restaurant or product named in the recipe a little free publicity.

Posted in 關於我們 | 有關食譜版權 已關閉迴響。

免責聲明 豁免條款

免責聲明 豁免條款

您明確了解並同意您使用Cookery Family之cookeryfamily.org的服務之風險是由您個人負擔。本資訊、產品及服務是依「現況」及「現有」基礎提供。

Cookery Family清楚明示不提供任何明示或默示的擔保,包含但不限於商業適售性、特定目的之適用性及未侵害他人權利。

Cookery Family不保証 的資訊、產品及服務將符合您的要求,或該資訊、產品及服務及其使用及取得之結果不受干擾、及時提供、正確、安全可靠或免於出錯。Cookery Family亦不保証軟體及硬體中的任何錯誤都將得到更正。

Cookery Family不保証經由或透過 購買或取得之任何商品及服務之結果。

Cookery Family不負責,亦不承擔任何一切因使用 而引致之任何意外、錯誤、遺漏、疏忽、干擾、經傳送或接收的錯誤、因下載而感染電腦病毒、誹謗、合約毀壞、版權或知識產權侵犯及所造成的任何損失。

Cookery Family不承擔任何經由或透過 購買或取得之任何資訊、產品及服務,或接收之訊息,或進行之交易所衍生之替代商品及服務之購買成本,及您的傳輸或資料遭到未獲授權的存取或變造,所帶來之直接、間接、附帶、特別、衍生性或懲罰性賠償(即使Cookery Family已被告知前開賠償之可能性亦然)。 有包含第三者張貼之內容。而該內容未經Cookery Family審批。Cookery Family對由第三者張貼之內容所帶來之損失概不負責。 內所有內容並不反映任何Cookery Family之意見。



Web user expressly agrees that use of is at the sole risk of web user. The content, materials, goods and/or service are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

Cookery Family expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of title, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

Cookery Family makes no warranty that the content, materials, goods and/or service will meet your requirements, or that your access to the site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free; nor does Cookery Family make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of goods or service or as to the accuracy or reliability of any information or content obtained through or that defects in software or hardware problems will be corrected.

Cookery Family makes no warranty regarding any goods or service purchased or obtained through or any transactions entered into through

This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortious behaviour, negligence, or under any other cause of action.

In no event shall Cookery Family, or any person or entity involved in creating, producing or provision of any contents, materials, goods and/or services through be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages resulting from the use or the inability to use the service or for cost of procurement of substitute goods and service or resulting from any goods or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, use, data or other intangible, even if Cookery Family has been advised of the possibility of such damages. may contains materials provided or posted by web users. Cookery Family has not edited or reviewed any of the aforesaid materials. Cookery Family shall not be responsible and liable to any losses and damages arising from the materials provided or posted by web users. Unless stated otherwise, the materials contained in shall not represent any view or opinion of Cookery Family.

Posted in 關於我們 | 免責聲明 豁免條款 已關閉迴響。


1. 政策大綱

Cookery Family承諾保障你的私隱權利。謹據香港法律之個人資料 (私隱) 條例 (第486章) 及國際認可之個人資料私隱保護政策,保障你的私隱權利。

2. 個人資料搜集及用途

(i) 凡登記使用Cookery Family的網站服務均需自願提供個人資料,個人資料可能包括但不限於以下資料:
a. 用戶姓名
b. 聯絡地址
c. 電話號碼、傳呼機號碼或傳真機號碼
d. 電郵地址
e. 身份證明
f. 其他相關資料

Cookery Family會根據此私隱權保護政策聲明邀請你提供個人資料,上述資料用途將會顯示於 Cookery Family 網站畫面上,而你提供的個人資料亦只會用於該畫面上說明的用途上。除非是許可的或法律上需要的,否則Cookery Family不會在未經你事前同意之下使用你的個人資料。

(ii) Cookery Family不會在你瀏覽 時搜集你的個人資料。當你瀏覽網站時 Cookery Family 只會搜集你的瀏覽次數記錄,不會搜集你的個人資料。瀏覽次數記錄的收集是用以估量 的瀏覽人次,有關資料只作統計網站使用率用。

(iii) 當你瀏覽網站時,Cookery Family 會以寄存 Cookies 方式搜集你使用網站的資料。「Cookies」是從網站伺服器發出並儲存於你電腦硬碟內的細小文字檔。在登入 時,你是必須接受 Cookies,否則登入機能是不能啓用的。經 Cookies 搜集的資料只作網站分析你對 網站的喜惡,以及必要的保安記錄,如非必要的保安用途,不會向第三者提供你的資料。

3. 個人資料的保安

當網站接收到你的個人資料時,網站系統會即時保存妥當並予以保密,只有得到授權及經過訓練的員工才可獲准接觸有關資料。Cookery Family 亦會確保僱員遵循在個人資料保安及保密方面的操守。

4. 個人資料的傳輸

a. 執行資料保安工作的人士及機構;
b. 得到許可及法律所需的地方.

5. 個人資料的使用及其促銷用途

Cookery Family不會就你的個人資料投寄促銷活動的相關資訊給你,亦不會把你的資料轉給第三者作商業用途。

6. 取用及更改個人資料

在此私隱權保護政策聲明下,你有權追究你個人資料的用途、要求擁有你個人資料的副本,及更改任何不準確的資料。如需取用及更改個人資料,請電郵書面通知予 [email protected]



1. Our General Policy

Cookery Family is committed to protecting your privacy. Cookery Family will apply and comply with the laws and principles of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) of the Laws of Hong Kong and to meet internationally recognized standards of personal data privacy protection.

2. Data Collection and Use

(i) To facilitate Cookery Family to provide services to you from time to time, it is necessary for you on a voluntary basis to supply Cookery Family with personal data. Personal data collected by Cookery Family may include but not limited to the following :
a. name
b. address
c. telephone or pager or fax number
d. e-mail address
e. identity reference
f. other data in connection with our operations.

The information is used only by Cookery Family for the purposes stated in the respective screens on which Cookery Family invites you to provide your data and in accordance with this policy statement. Cookery Family will only use the information provided for the stated purposes. Cookery Family does not use your personal data for any other purposes without your prior consent unless such use is permitted or required by law.

(ii) Cookery Family does not collect any personal data from you during your browsing When you visit, Cookery Family records your visit only as a "hit" and does not collect any personal data from you. The "hit" information is to allow Cookery Family to compile general statistics to show the daily number of visitors to Cookery Family. Cookery Family uses this information only for preparing general statistics on the usage of Cookery Family.

(iii) When you visit certain services of, Cookery Family collects general information about your visits by means of cookies files. "Cookies" are small text files which are sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. In our subscription model, you are not allowed to disable this function. The information is only used for analyzing your preference in relation to the subscription services we provide and for security record. Unless it is strictly essential for security purpose, it will not be provided to any third parties.

3. Data Security

Once Cookery Family has obtained your personal data, they will be maintained securely in our system. Only the authorised staff, who has been properly trained, will be permitted to access to such personal data. Cookery Family will also ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality.

4. Transfer of Personal Data

Your personal data held by Cookery Family will be kept confidential but Cookery Family may provide such information to :
a. any person or corporation under a duty of confidentiality to us which was undertaken to keep such information confidential;
b. where such disclosure is authorised or required by law.

5. Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing

Cookery Family will not send any direct marketing materials to you. Cookery Family will not transfer your personal data to the third party for business purpose.

6. Access and Correction of Personal Data

The Ordinance provides you the rights to ascertain whether Cookery Family is holding your personal data, to obtain a copy of those data, and to correct any data that is inaccurate. Requests for access and correction shall be sent to our e-mail address at [email protected]

Posted in 關於我們 | 私隱權保護政策 (PRIVACY POLICY STATEMENT) 已關閉迴響。


Cookery Family是香港烹飪愛好者的一個網上社區。建立本站沒有商業動機,站長純為興趣,以有限資源而成立本站。版友亦不分你我,貢獻了不少心機到本站,例如站名、食譜和logo都是版友的貢獻。


公告及新消息 — 有關本站之公告,活動消息、會員守則等。(只有版主可在此貼文)
意見欄 — 會員對本站的意見和支援問題可貼在此處。

Cookery Family
問答區 — 一切有關烹飪的問題請在這區張貼。舊文每廿八日自動刪除;版主會把常見的問題和網友的答案搬入“問答精華”作永久儲存。
今日特餐 — 美食作品分享。各位的大作相片可貼在此處跟網友分享。舊文每九十日自動刪除。
隱姓埋名 — 定期開放予會員及非會員以匿名身份張貼有切面的作品圖片;一切討論以事論事。
Café — 我們的Weblog(只有weblog組員可發表新題目,而所有會員也可以回覆文章)


食譜研究 — 會員可以在此區討論食譜和張貼食譜。版主會定期把食譜移入永久的參巧資料庫。
讀書報告 — 如題。
問答精華 — 問答區的常見問題會移入這處作永欠儲存。

閒談區 — 天南地北、閒話家常。(只有註冊會員可以閱覧)




十一月經投票後,我們正式定名為 Cookery Family。十二月我們註冊了cookeryfamily.com的網域。





nasaki 的電郵
[email protected]

LittleStone 的
ICQ: 135636962
Yahoo Messenger: ls650569
MSN Messenger: [email protected]

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