釀蜜桃 (吳靄儀)

釀 蜜 桃

英 國 人 愛 夏 天 如 狂 , 因 為 一 年 四 季 以 夏 季 最 輕 鬆 , 盡 情 享 受 陽 光 , 享 受 田 園 一片 翠 綠 。 夏 令 時 節 , 種 種 漿 果 水 果 大 豐 收 ; 草 莓 、 覆 盆 子 、 櫻 桃 、 纍 纍 的 寶 石 色 的紅 加 侖 子 、 白 加 侖 子 、 黃 的 杏 子 青 的 李 子 , 教 人 感 到 富 足 。 夏 天 食 譜 , 每 以 鮮 果 為材 料 , 也 是 特 別 多 姿 多 采 。
一 到 夏 天 , 英 國 人 就 紛 紛 移 到 戶 外 生 活 , 在 花 園 聚 ?, 今 次 到 劍 橋 訪 友 的 花 園 聚 屨o 收 穫 特 多 。 女 主 人 Pippin 的 專 業 是 「 食 物 設 計 」 , 原 來 雜 誌 和 烹 飪 書 的 插 圖 攝影 , 要 經 過 精 心 設 計 效 果 才 夠 吸 引 , 她 就 是 負 責 這 層 ?夫 。 碰 巧 她 本 身 最 愛 下 廚 ,更 愛 為 朋 友 弄 各 式 各 樣 的 可 口 食 物 , 我 有 幸 受 到 邀 請 , 大 飽 口 福 , 以 下 這 款 釀 蜜 桃就 是 當 晚 的 甜 品 。
製 法 是 : 桃 子 12 隻 剖 開 去 核 , 挖 出 部 分 果 肉 剁 碎 候 用 。 意 大 利 小 杏 仁 乾 餅 Amaretti 12 隻 壓 碎 , 跟 果 肉 、 蛋 黃 2 隻 、 Amaretto 杏 仁 甜 酒 2 湯 匙 、 碎 杏 仁 50g 、 砂 糖 100g 、 可 可 粉 1 茶 匙 及 鮮 檸 檬 皮 末 半 隻 攪 均 , 釀 入 蜜 桃 , 再 洒 上 少 野?酒 、 少 ?幼 砂 糖 , 然 後 加 上 薄 薄 的 一 小 片 牛 油 在 上 面 。 將 釀 好 的 蜜 桃 放 在 抹 上 牛油 的 烤 盤 , 在 350 ℉ 焗 爐 內 烤 約 30 分 鐘 至 金 黃 色 即 成 。 吃 時 可 另 上 濃 鮮 忌 廉 。
即 使 桃 子 本 身 不 夠 鮮 甜 , 經 此 炮 製 , 自 然 非 同 凡 響 , 熱 的 釀 桃 , 澆 上 涼 的 忌 廉 , 又 是 絕 妙 。 預 先 釀 好 , 可 以 開 飯 時 才 擱 入 焗 爐 。
Pippin 說 這 原 是 最 普 通 的 法 國 甜 品 , 她 卻 在 一 本 意 大 利 烹 飪 書 找 到 , 作 者 叫 Claudia Roden 。 我 連 忙 要 求 借 ?, 以 饗 讀 者 之 中 愛 烹 飪 之 人 。

Posted in 熱點心 | 釀蜜桃 (吳靄儀) 已關閉迴響。







Posted in 熱點心 | 法式香橙班戟 已關閉迴響。

椰香格仔餅 waffle

格仔餅 waffle (兩塊)

(a)糖20g + 大蛋 1隻
(b)牛奶 1/3cup + 椰漿粉 1茶匙
(c)麵粉 120g + BP 1/2茶匙

將(a)打至發白, 下椰漿粉牛奶拌勻
把(b)過篩, 分兩次加入蛋糊中拌勻至無粉粒, 最後下牛油溶液搞勻便成粉糊
**如無waffle機, 用平底wok煎成pancake亦可

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材料 :

Frozen blue berry … 100g
granulated sugar … 50g
water … 100cc
cornstarch … 10 g

做法 :


Posted in 熱點心 | 自製藍莓醬 已關閉迴響。



糯米粉(用椰汁罐份量一樣) 比例 1:1
白砂糖半罐 (用椰汁罐份量半罐)


>>如果想芒果味重D, 可以減少些椰汁改用芒果汁做皮
>>蒸時最好包保鮮紙, 防倒汗水
>>唔蒸可以用微波爐叮, 4湯"?quot;叮4min
>>一定一定要帶透明膠手套黎包糯米慈, 先會唔"痴"手!
>>唔用椰茸可改為用糯米粉, 先將糯米粉用微波爐叮1分鐘!

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東海堂 泡芙 Puff

東海堂 泡芙 Puff


1. 將鮮奶煮熱
2. 另將其他餡心材料攪勻
3. 將1,2混合攪勻煮熱,然後放入5度冰箱.


1. 牛油,油及水煮開,混溶,熄火後加入麵粉拌至有少陬洮蚻陘?
2. 加入蛋打勻
3. 將麵粉糰裝入擠花袋後擠到焗盤上入焗爐焗15分鐘.
4. 先以200度焗15分鐘再調教至170度焗10-15分鐘.
5. 焗好取出,從中切開,將餡料擠至泡芙中即成.

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Molten Chocolate Cake 2 (from foodtv.ca)

Courtesy of: Cook Like A Chef
Episode: Cakes & Icing
Host: Print This Recipe

Molten Chocolate Cake 2
Yield: 6


Chocolate Ice Cubes

* 6 oz of finely chopped semisweet chocolate– (180ml)
* 3/4 cup of heavy cream – (175ml)
* 2 tbsp of light corn syrup – (30ml)
* 2 tbsp of Grand Marnier – (30ml)
* 1 tsp of vanilla extract – (5ml)
* 1/3 tsp of finely graded orange zest – (1.25ml)

Cake Batter

* Softened butter
* 9 oz of coarsely chopped semisweet chocolate – (270ml)
* 1/4 cup of water – (60ml)
* 2 tsp of instant coffee granules – (10ml)
* 3/4 cup + 3 tablespoons of sifted all-purpose flour – (220ml)
* pinch of salt
* 8 tbsp (1 stick) of slightly soften unsalted butter– (120ml)
* 1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon granulated sugar, divided – (155ml)
* 2 tsp of vanilla extract – (10ml)
* 3 x large eggs + 1 large egg white, separated at room temperature

Orange Cream

* 1 1/4 cups of heavy cream – (310ml)
* 1 tbsp of granulated sugar – (30ml)
* 1/3 tsp of finely grated orange zest 0 (1.25ml)
* 5 teaspoons of Grand Marnier (optional) – (25ml)


* Powdered sugar
* Cocoa powder
* Fresh mint


Chocolate Ice Cubes

1. In a 1-quart measuring cup with spout, set aside the chocolate.

2. In a small saucepan, heat the cream and corn syrup over medium heat, stirring constantly until boiling. Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate and let stand for 30 seconds to melt the chocolate. Gently whisk until smooth and stir in Grand Marnier, vanilla, and orange zest.

3. Cover an ice cube tray with a piece of plastic wrap and press down to line six ice cube sections. Pour the chocolate mixture into the six ice cube cavities and fill to the top. Reserve the remaining chocolate mixture in a heat-proof bowl to use later as a sauce. Cover & refrigerate. Cover the ice cube tray with plastic wrap and freeze the chocolate mixture for 3-4 hours, until solid and keep in freezer until ready to assemble the dessert.

Cake Batter

1. In a double-boiler, melt the chocolate with water and coffee. Gently whisk until smooth and then cool (leave over the hot water so it cools but not completely) for 5-10 minutes, until tepid.

2. In a large bowl, beat the softened butter, at medium speed, with an electric mixer until creamy (approximately 30 seconds). While mixing, gradually add ½ cup sugar. Add vanilla. Add egg yolks, one at a time, beating in-between. Add chocolate mixture and continue beating until smooth.

3. In another large bowl, beat the egg whites (using clean beaters), at low speed until frothy. Slowly increase the speed to high and continue beating until soft peaks begin to form. Gradually add the remaining tablespoon of sugar, while beating, until the peaks are stiff and glossy.

4. Gently fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture 1/3 at a time. Work from the bottom of the bowl, gently folding the mixture as to not lose the airyness of the batter.

5. Sift together flour and salt. One-third at a time, folds this mixture into the cake batter along with the egg-whites (one-third at a time). Spoon half the batter into six 6-ounce, buttered ramekins (set on a baking sheet). At this point each should be half-full.

6. Unwrap the frozen chocolate ice cubes and place a cube into the centre of each ramekin. Completely cover the cubes with the remaining batter. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until the batter has raised ½-inch above the rims and the tops are slightly cracked.

7. When ready to serve, gently reheat the leftover chocolate ice cube mixture over a pot of hot, not simmering, water. Keep warm.

8. One at a time, carefully place the warm cakes onto large dessert plates. Lightly sift confectioners’ sugar over the tops of the cakes. Garnish top of each cake with mint sprig. Serve immediately along with warm chocolate sauce.

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Strawberry Jam

Mixed Berry Jam

Make a jam using your own combination of berries or use your favorite single kind.

* 2 cups strawberries
* 2 cups raspberries
* 2 cups blackberries
* 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
* 31/2 cups sugar

Hull the strawberries, and wash and dry all of the fruit. Roughly cut the strawberries into cubes, and place them in a large saucepan. Add the lemon juice, place over medium heat, and cook until the strawberries soften, about 6 to 8 minutes. Stir often with a wooden spoon so the fruit doesn’t burn.

Add the raspberries and blackberries, and cook until they begin to soften, about 4 to 5 minutes. Add the sugar, and continue stirring until the sugar has dissolved and the fruit has cooked down, about 25 minutes. Raise the heat, and bring to a rolling boil. Using a clean candy thermometer, test the temperature several times until the mixture reaches 220°, or the jelling point. (You can also check for jelling by placing a spoonful of the mixture on a chilled plate. Place the plate in the refrigerator for 3 minutes, and check to see if it has set.) If the mixture hasn’t jelled, place it back over high heat, return to a boil, then check again.

Remove from the heat, and use a spoon to skim off the foam and impurities that have risen to the top. While still hot, pour the jam through a funnel into jars that have been sterilized according to manufacturer’s instructions, leaving 1/4 inch of headspace. Seal the jars according to manufacturer’s instructions. Process the jars for 10 minutes in boiling water. Allow to cool to room temperature, then store in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months. Makes about six half-pint jars

1 Gather all ingredients for making the jam before starting.

2 Hull the strawberries, and wash and dry all of the fruit.

3 Place the strawberries in a large saucepan, and add the lemon juice.

4 When the strawberries are soft, add the rest of the fruit.

5 Cook for 5 minutes, then stir in the sugar. Stir often with a wooden spoon.

6 Bring the mixture to a boil, and use a clean thermometer to test for jelling.

7 Pour the jam into sterilized jars, leaving 1/4-inch of headspace. Seal and process the jars, and allow to cool to room temperature before storing.

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makes 9 large or 10 medium popovers
can dip with butter and honey

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup whole or 2% milk, at room temperature
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs, at room temperture
2 tablespoons unsaled butter, melted

melted butter, for greasing the popover cups

position a rack on the lowest rung of the oven and preheat the oven to 425F butter or spray 9 3/4 cup glass custard cups or ten 1/2 cup muffin cups. If you are using custard cups, place them on a jello-roll pan, leaving space between each cup. if you’re using muffin pans, you’ll need to use two 12 hole muffin tins because, to give the popovers ample air circlation, you won’t be filling all of the holes

pour all the ingredients into the container of a blender and whirl until smooth. (this can also be done in a food processor or in a bowl , using a rotary or hand-held beater.) strain the batter if it is at all lumpy

for the custard cups, pour 1/3 cup of batter into each cup, dividing any extra batter among the cups. for the muffin cups, use 1/4 cup of batter for each cup, filling alternate cups in each tin so that every popover has puffing space. bake, without opening the oven door, for 25 mins, until the popovers are puffed, nicely browned, and crisp on the exterior. Turn the temperature down to 350F and bake for another 15 to 20 mins to help dry out the interior, which, no matter what you do, will always be little doughy in the center. Serve immediately


popovers are at their puffiest right out of the oven. You can hold them at room temperature for a few minutes, or wrap them airtight, freeze them for up to a month, and reheat them in a 350F for 10 to 15 mins and they’ll taste good – but never as good as just baked

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芒果糯米軟"米茲"卷 (from 精巧甜品DIY)





Posted in 熱點心 | 芒果糯米軟"米茲"卷 (from 精巧甜品DIY) 已關閉迴響。