

Posted in 西式食譜 | 香濃墨西哥辣醬 已關閉迴響。

麵包殺手 – 自製咖哩醬

自製咖哩醬 ~~ 由於取自 jamie oliver 既 recipe, 所以有 d 香料名稱我唔知中文係乜…

A. hot and fragrant rub – 2Tbsp fennel seeds, 2Tbsp cumin seeds, 2Tbsp coriander seeds, 1/2Tbsp fenugreek seeds, 1/2 Tbsp black peppercorns, 1 clove, 1/2 cinnamon stick, 2 cardamom pods, pinch of salt
B. 薑一小舊
C. 2個網球般大小的紅洋蔥
D. 10粒蒜頭
E. 2隻新鮮紅辣椒, 無須去核
F. 1束芫茜
G. 800g 鮮蕃茄, 攪爛
H. 285ml 雞湯 / 水
將 A 混合研磨成碎. 將 B 至 F 放進食物調理器攪碎 / 用刀切碎. 將 A 用慢火白鑊 (用煲較好) 爆香, 間中攪拌免燒焦, 當有濃濃香氣, 加入 2Tbsp 牛油 (或菜油) 和 B 至 F 續用慢火爆到金黃色後, 加入 G, H 煮滾, 上蓋慢火燜煮約個半鐘… 燜既時間要隨水份多寡而調較…
煮好的咖哩醬, 加入爆過的肉 (如羊肉, 雞肉), 可再自行加薯仔, 菜等, 慢火燜煮一個鐘或至"林", 然後再拌入少許碎芫茜和 285ml 乳酪, 最後加幾滴青檸汁, 攪掂 !!!
呢個咖哩醬最需要既係時間同耐性, 完文係將咖哩醬放入焗爐內燜煮, 咁會令香氣 develop 得更好… 但我地個爐細… 我試煮過一次, 味道較平時開現成咖哩粉 / 醬鮮味得多, recipe 中所用既香料係 citysuper, oliver’s, great 等地方有得買… 有興趣同時間就試下啦

Posted in 西式食譜 | 麵包殺手 – 自製咖哩醬 已關閉迴響。

Summer fusilli salad

origin from City Super, italian food festival.

summer fusilli saland

ingredients : (serves 4)

200g fusilli (螺絲粉)
15 cherry tomatoes, cut into wedges
100g baked ham finely cubed
100g mozzarella balls
1/2 cups string beads, tipped and chopped into 2 lengths
2/3 tablespoon olive paste
8 leaves basil, cut into stripes
2 tablespoons extra virigin olive oil

how to cook?

1. briing a large pot of water to a boil, salt and cook the fusilli and string beads until al dente.
2. drain the fusilli, cool under running water and drain again.
3. in a large bowl, place the fusilli, tomatoes, ham, olive paste, olive oil, mozzarella and basil, tosee to mix. serve.

***i did not add string beans and olive paste;
i havent tried to make salad without salad souces; strongly recommended.

Posted in 西式食譜 | Summer fusilli salad 已關閉迴響。

Basic Pasta recipes

Basic Pasta

Submitted by: Pat

“An easy recipe and simple to double or triple, depending on amount needed. Hope you enjoy!"
Yields 3 servings.

1 egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons water


In a medium sized bowl, combine flour and salt. Make a well in the flour, add the slightly beaten egg, and mix. Mixture should form a stiff dough. If needed, stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons water.


On a lightly floured surface, knead dough for about 3 to 4 minutes. With a pasta machine or by hand roll dough out to desired thinness. Use machine or knife to cut into strips of desired width.
Makes 3 servings

Posted in 西式食譜 | Basic Pasta recipes 已關閉迴響。

Fresh Pasta

Fresh Pasta

Fresh Pasta
Submitted by: Holly

“If you can’t find frozen pasta sheets or prefer to make your own, here’s a recipe that’s virtually foolproof. Herbs and spices compatible with the dish can be kneaded into the dough toward the end. This recipe makes 1 1/2 pounds pasta."
Yields 6 servings.

6 cups all-purpose flour
6 eggs

1 Heap the flour, and make a well in it. Break the eggs into the well. Beat eggs with a fork. Stir into the flour from the bottom of the well with the fork until the dough in the center is smooth or shiny.

2 With your hands, gradually incorporate the flour from the outside of the well toward the center, kneading gently until the mass of dough comes together. Knead the dough until it is smooth and resilient. You may need to add more flour, or you may not be able to incorporate all of the flour, depending on the humidity and the size of the eggs. If the dough is sticky or extremely pliable, knead more flour into it.

3 Divide the dough into three portions, cover with plastic wrap or an overturned bowl, and allow to rest for at least 30 minutes.

4 Roll the dough out very thin on a lightly floured surface, one portion at a time. If you have a pasta machine, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for rolling out the dough into sheets about 1 millimeter thick. Use as desired.

Makes 6 servings


Extra-virgin olive oil 30g
Butter 30g
Onions,finely chopped 80g
Carrots, finely chopped 80g
Celery ,diced 80g
Garlic, finely chopped 30g
Beef, coarsely ground 500g
Pork , coarsely ground 300g
Red wine, 2glass
Canned tomatoes,coarsely chopped 400g
Tomato paste 50g
Parsley, finely chopped 50g
Salt, ground pepper

1.heat the olive oil and butter in a large saucepan. Saute the onions, carrots, celery and garlic over medium heat for 5min.
2.add the ground meat and saute for 10min
3.pour in the wine and cook until the liquid thickened.
4.add the tomatoes and tomato paste, and continue cooking over low heat for 1hour. Season with salt & pepper, stirring occasionally.
5.cook until the sauce thickened. Add the parsley and stir well.